The UKG Ready HCM contains a suite of features around employee attestation.  Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the main use for this solution was tracking meals and breaks and complying with scheduling laws in specific states.  Now, the attestation solution is an essential tool that can help organizations create a better working environment and promote employee wellness.

What is Attestation and what does the solution do?

In the HCM world, attestation refers to certifying something or allowing employees to self-certify.

Using the HCM, organizations can ask questions of employees to confirm compliance with business policies and promote employee interaction and well-being.  If your organization has COVID-19 specific requirements, such as vaccine or testing requirements, you can customize your attestation questions to address this need.  The questions can be specific, and the reporting functionality allows easy identification of outliers. 

For more information on the attestation solution provided by UKG Ready, please follow this link to download a datasheet. 

If you need help developing a compliance strategy, using HCM tools like attestation, we can help!  Please select the “Schedule an Introduction Meeting” button at the top of the page – we would love to hear from you!